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API Documentation - Items

python library for accessing the openHAB REST API.


Bases: DimmerItem

ColorItem item type.

Source code in openhab/
class ColorItem(DimmerItem):
  """ColorItem item type."""

  TYPENAME = 'Color'
  types = [openhab.command_types.OnOffType, openhab.command_types.PercentType, openhab.command_types.IncreaseDecreaseType, openhab.command_types.ColorType]
  state_types = [openhab.command_types.ColorType]

  def _parse_rest(self, value: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[float, float, float]], str]:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Parse a REST result into a native object.

      value (str): A string argument to be converted into a str object.

      HSB components
      Optional UoM
    result = openhab.command_types.ColorType.parse(value)
    return result, ''

  def _rest_format(self, value: typing.Union[typing.Tuple[int, int, float], str, int]) -> str:
    """Format a value before submitting to openHAB.

      value: Either a string, an integer or a tuple of HSB components (int, int, float); in the latter two cases we have to cast it to a string.

      str: The string as possibly converted from the parameter.
    if isinstance(value, tuple):
      if len(value) == 3:
        return f'{value[0]},{value[1]},{value[2]}'

    if not isinstance(value, str):
      return str(value)

    return value


Bases: Item

Contact item type.

Source code in openhab/
class ContactItem(Item):
  """Contact item type."""

  TYPENAME = 'Contact'
  types = [openhab.command_types.OpenCloseType]
  state_types = types

  def command(self, *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> None:
    """This overrides the `Item` command method.

    Note: Commands are not accepted for items of type contact.
    raise ValueError(f'This item ({self.__class__}) only supports updates, not commands!')

  def open(self) -> None:
    """Set the state of the contact item to OPEN."""
    self.state = openhab.command_types.OpenCloseType.OPEN

  def closed(self) -> None:
    """Set the state of the contact item to CLOSED."""
    self.state = openhab.command_types.OpenCloseType.CLOSED


Set the state of the contact item to CLOSED.

Source code in openhab/
def closed(self) -> None:
  """Set the state of the contact item to CLOSED."""
  self.state = openhab.command_types.OpenCloseType.CLOSED

command(*args, **kwargs)

This overrides the Item command method.

Note: Commands are not accepted for items of type contact.

Source code in openhab/
def command(self, *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> None:
  """This overrides the `Item` command method.

  Note: Commands are not accepted for items of type contact.
  raise ValueError(f'This item ({self.__class__}) only supports updates, not commands!')


Set the state of the contact item to OPEN.

Source code in openhab/
def open(self) -> None:
  """Set the state of the contact item to OPEN."""
  self.state = openhab.command_types.OpenCloseType.OPEN


Bases: Item

DateTime item type.

Source code in openhab/
class DateTimeItem(Item):
  """DateTime item type."""

  TYPENAME = 'DateTime'
  types = [openhab.command_types.DateTimeType]
  state_types = types

  def __gt__(self, other: datetime.datetime) -> bool:
    """Greater than comparison."""
    if self._state is None or not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
      raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

    return self._state > other

  def __ge__(self, other: datetime.datetime) -> bool:
    """Greater or equal comparison."""
    if self._state is None or not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
      raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

    return self._state >= other

  def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool:
    """Less than comparison."""
    if not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
      raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

    return not self.__gt__(other)

  def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool:
    """Less or equal comparison."""
    if self._state is None or not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
      raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

    return self._state <= other

  def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
    """Equality comparison."""
    if not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
      raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

    return self._state == other

  def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
    """Not equal comparison."""
    if not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
      raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

    return not self.__eq__(other)

  def _parse_rest(self, value: str) -> typing.Tuple[datetime.datetime, str]:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Parse a REST result into a native object.

      value (str): A string argument to be converted into a datetime.datetime object.

      datetime.datetime: The datetime.datetime object as converted from the string
    return dateutil.parser.parse(value), ''

  def _rest_format(self, value: datetime.datetime) -> str:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Format a value before submitting to openHAB.

      value (datetime.datetime): A datetime.datetime argument to be converted
                                 into a string.

      str: The string as converted from the datetime.datetime parameter.
    # openHAB supports only up to milliseconds as of this writing
    return value.isoformat(timespec='milliseconds')


Equality comparison.

Source code in openhab/
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
  """Equality comparison."""
  if not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
    raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

  return self._state == other


Greater or equal comparison.

Source code in openhab/
def __ge__(self, other: datetime.datetime) -> bool:
  """Greater or equal comparison."""
  if self._state is None or not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
    raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

  return self._state >= other


Greater than comparison.

Source code in openhab/
def __gt__(self, other: datetime.datetime) -> bool:
  """Greater than comparison."""
  if self._state is None or not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
    raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

  return self._state > other


Less or equal comparison.

Source code in openhab/
def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool:
  """Less or equal comparison."""
  if self._state is None or not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
    raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

  return self._state <= other


Less than comparison.

Source code in openhab/
def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool:
  """Less than comparison."""
  if not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
    raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

  return not self.__gt__(other)


Not equal comparison.

Source code in openhab/
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
  """Not equal comparison."""
  if not isinstance(other, datetime.datetime):
    raise NotImplementedError('You can only compare two DateTimeItem objects.')

  return not self.__eq__(other)


Bases: Item

DimmerItem item type.

Source code in openhab/
class DimmerItem(Item):
  """DimmerItem item type."""

  TYPENAME = 'Dimmer'
  types = [openhab.command_types.OnOffType, openhab.command_types.PercentType, openhab.command_types.IncreaseDecreaseType]
  state_types = [openhab.command_types.PercentType]

  def _parse_rest(self, value: str) -> typing.Tuple[float, str]:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Parse a REST result into a native object.

      value (str): A string argument to be converted into a int object.

      float: The int object as converted from the string parameter.
      str: Possible UoM
    return float(value), ''

  def _rest_format(self, value: typing.Union[str, int]) -> str:
    """Format a value before submitting to OpenHAB.

      value: Either a string or an integer; in the latter case we have to cast it to a string.

      str: The string as possibly converted from the parameter.
    if not isinstance(value, str):
      return str(value)

    return value

  def on(self) -> None:
    """Set the state of the dimmer to ON."""

  def off(self) -> None:
    """Set the state of the dimmer to OFF."""

  def increase(self) -> None:
    """Increase the state of the dimmer."""

  def decrease(self) -> None:
    """Decrease the state of the dimmer."""


Decrease the state of the dimmer.

Source code in openhab/
def decrease(self) -> None:
  """Decrease the state of the dimmer."""


Increase the state of the dimmer.

Source code in openhab/
def increase(self) -> None:
  """Increase the state of the dimmer."""


Set the state of the dimmer to OFF.

Source code in openhab/
def off(self) -> None:
  """Set the state of the dimmer to OFF."""


Set the state of the dimmer to ON.

Source code in openhab/
def on(self) -> None:
  """Set the state of the dimmer to ON."""


Bases: Item

String item type.

Source code in openhab/
class GroupItem(Item):
  """String item type."""

  TYPENAME = 'Group'
  types: typing.List[typing.Type[openhab.command_types.CommandType]] = []
  state_types: typing.List[typing.Type[openhab.command_types.CommandType]] = []


Base item class.

Source code in openhab/
class Item:
  """Base item class."""

  types: typing.Sequence[typing.Type[openhab.command_types.CommandType]] = []
  state_types: typing.Sequence[typing.Type[openhab.command_types.CommandType]] = []
  command_event_types: typing.Sequence[typing.Type[openhab.command_types.CommandType]] = []
  state_event_types: typing.Sequence[typing.Type[openhab.command_types.CommandType]] = []
  state_changed_event_types: typing.Sequence[typing.Type[openhab.command_types.CommandType]] = []

  TYPENAME = 'unknown'

  def __init__(self, openhab_conn: 'openhab.client.OpenHAB', json_data: dict) -> None:

      openhab_conn (openhab.OpenHAB): openHAB object.
      json_data (dic): A dict converted from the JSON data returned by the openHAB
    self.openhab = openhab_conn
    self.type_: typing.Optional[str] = None
    self.quantityType: typing.Optional[str] = None
    self.editable = None
    self.label = ''
    self.category = ''
    self.tags = ''
    self.groupNames = '' = False = ''
    self._state = None  # type: typing.Optional[typing.Any]
    self._unitOfMeasure = ''
    self._raw_state = None  # type: typing.Optional[typing.Any]  # raw state as returned by the server
    self._members = {}  # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] #  group members (key = item name), for none-group items it's empty
    self.function_name: typing.Optional[str] = None
    self.function_params: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]] = None

    self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


  def init_from_json(self, json_data: dict) -> None:
    """Initialize this object from a json configuration as fetched from openHAB.

      json_data (dict): A dict converted from the JSON data returned by the openHAB
    """ = json_data['name']
    if json_data['type'] == 'Group': = True
      if 'groupType' in json_data:
        self.type_ = json_data['groupType']

      if 'function' in json_data:
        self.function_name = json_data['function']['name']

        if 'params' in json_data['function']:
          self.function_params = json_data['function']['params']

      # init members
      for i in json_data['members']:
        self.members[i['name']] = self.openhab.json_to_item(i)

      self.type_ = json_data.get('type', None)

      if self.type_ is None:
        raise openhab.exceptions.InvalidReturnException('Item did not return a type attribute.')

      parts = self.type_.split(':')
      if len(parts) == 2:
        self.quantityType = parts[1]

    if 'editable' in json_data:
      self.editable = json_data['editable']
    if 'label' in json_data:
      self.label = json_data['label']
    if 'category' in json_data:
      self.category = json_data['category']
    if 'tags' in json_data:
      self.tags = json_data['tags']
    if 'groupNames' in json_data:
      self.groupNames = json_data['groupNames']

    self._raw_state = json_data['state']

    if self.is_undefined(self._raw_state):
      self._state = None
      self._state, self._unitOfMeasure = self._parse_rest(self._raw_state)

  def state(self) -> typing.Any:
    """The state property represents the current state of the item.

    The state is automatically refreshed from openHAB on reading it.
    Updating the value via this property send an update to the event bus.
    json_data = self.openhab.get_item_raw(

    return self._state

  def state(self, value: typing.Any) -> None:

  def unit_of_measure(self) -> str:
    """Return the unit of measure. Returns an empty string if there is none defined."""
    return self._unitOfMeasure

  def members(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
    """If item is a type of Group, it will return all member items for this group.

    For none group item empty dictionary will be returned.

      dict: Returns a dict with item names as key and `Item` class instances as value.

    return self._members

  def _validate_value(self, value: typing.Union[str, typing.Type[openhab.command_types.CommandType]]) -> None:
    """Private method for verifying the new value before modifying the state of the item."""
    if self.type_ == 'String':
      if not isinstance(value, (str, bytes)):
        raise ValueError
    elif self.types:
      validation = False

      for type_ in self.types:
        except ValueError:
          validation = True

      if not validation:
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid value "{value}"')
      raise ValueError

  def _parse_rest(self, value: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:
    """Parse a REST result into a native object."""
    return value, ''

  def _rest_format(self, value: str) -> typing.Union[str, bytes]:
    """Format a value before submitting to openHAB."""
    _value = value  # type: typing.Union[str, bytes]

    # Only ascii encoding is supported by default. If non-ascii characters were provided, convert them to bytes.
      _ = value.encode('ascii')
    except UnicodeError:
      _value = value.encode('utf-8')

    return _value

  def is_undefined(self, value: str) -> bool:
    """Check if value is undefined."""
    for aStateType in self.state_types:
      if not aStateType.is_undefined(value):
        return False

    return True

  def __str__(self) -> str:
    """String representation."""
    state = self._state
    if self._unitOfMeasure and not isinstance(self._state, tuple):
      state = f'{self._state} {self._unitOfMeasure}'
    return f'<{self.type_} - {} : {state}>'

  def _update(self, value: typing.Any) -> None:
    """Updates the state of an item, input validation is expected to be already done.

      value (object): The value to update the item with. The type of the value depends
                      on the item type and is checked accordingly.
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    self.openhab.req_put(f'/items/{}/state', data=value)

  def update(self, value: typing.Any) -> None:
    """Updates the state of an item.

      value (object): The value to update the item with. The type of the value depends
                      on the item type and is checked accordingly.

    v = self._rest_format(value)

    self._state = value


  def command(self, value: typing.Any) -> None:
    """Sends the given value as command to the event bus.

      value (object): The value to send as command to the event bus. The type of the
                      value depends on the item type and is checked accordingly.

    v = self._rest_format(value)

    self._state = value

    self.openhab.req_post(f'/items/{}', data=v)

  def update_state_null(self) -> None:
    """Update the state of the item to *NULL*."""

  def update_state_undef(self) -> None:
    """Update the state of the item to *UNDEF*."""

  def is_state_null(self) -> bool:
    """If the item state is None, use this method for checking if the remote value is NULL."""
    if self.state is None:
      # we need to query the current remote state as else this method will not work correctly if called after
      # either update_state method
      if self._raw_state is None:
        # This should never happen
        raise ValueError('Invalid internal (raw) state.')

      return self._raw_state == 'NULL'

    return False

  def is_state_undef(self) -> bool:
    """If the item state is None, use this method for checking if the remote value is UNDEF."""
    if self.state is None:
      # we need to query the current remote state as else this method will not work correctly if called after
      # either update_state method
      if self._raw_state is None:
        # This should never happen
        raise ValueError('Invalid internal (raw) state.')

      return self._raw_state == 'UNDEF'

    return False

  def persistence(
    service_id: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    start_time: typing.Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
    end_time: typing.Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
    page: int = 0,
    page_length: int = 0,
    boundary: bool = False,
  ) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, int]]]:
    """Method for fetching persistence data for a given item.

      service_id: ID of the persistence service. If not provided the default service will be used.
      start_time: Start time of the data to return. Will default to 1 day before end_time.
      end_time: End time of the data to return. Will default to current time.
      page: Page number of data to return. Defaults to 0 if not provided.
      page_length: The length of each page. Defaults to 0 which disabled paging.
      boundary: Gets one value before and after the requested period.

      Iterator over dict values containing time and state value, e.g.
        {"time": 1695588900122,
         "state": "23"
    yield from self.openhab.get_item_persistence(,

members: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] property

If item is a type of Group, it will return all member items for this group.

For none group item empty dictionary will be returned.


Name Type Description
dict Dict[str, Any]

Returns a dict with item names as key and Item class instances as value.

state: typing.Any property writable

The state property represents the current state of the item.

The state is automatically refreshed from openHAB on reading it. Updating the value via this property send an update to the event bus.

unit_of_measure: str property

Return the unit of measure. Returns an empty string if there is none defined.

__init__(openhab_conn, json_data)



Name Type Description Default
openhab_conn OpenHAB

openHAB object.

json_data dic

A dict converted from the JSON data returned by the openHAB server.

Source code in openhab/
def __init__(self, openhab_conn: 'openhab.client.OpenHAB', json_data: dict) -> None:

    openhab_conn (openhab.OpenHAB): openHAB object.
    json_data (dic): A dict converted from the JSON data returned by the openHAB
  self.openhab = openhab_conn
  self.type_: typing.Optional[str] = None
  self.quantityType: typing.Optional[str] = None
  self.editable = None
  self.label = ''
  self.category = ''
  self.tags = ''
  self.groupNames = '' = False = ''
  self._state = None  # type: typing.Optional[typing.Any]
  self._unitOfMeasure = ''
  self._raw_state = None  # type: typing.Optional[typing.Any]  # raw state as returned by the server
  self._members = {}  # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] #  group members (key = item name), for none-group items it's empty
  self.function_name: typing.Optional[str] = None
  self.function_params: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]] = None

  self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)



String representation.

Source code in openhab/
def __str__(self) -> str:
  """String representation."""
  state = self._state
  if self._unitOfMeasure and not isinstance(self._state, tuple):
    state = f'{self._state} {self._unitOfMeasure}'
  return f'<{self.type_} - {} : {state}>'


Sends the given value as command to the event bus.


Name Type Description Default
value object

The value to send as command to the event bus. The type of the value depends on the item type and is checked accordingly.

Source code in openhab/
def command(self, value: typing.Any) -> None:
  """Sends the given value as command to the event bus.

    value (object): The value to send as command to the event bus. The type of the
                    value depends on the item type and is checked accordingly.

  v = self._rest_format(value)

  self._state = value

  self.openhab.req_post(f'/items/{}', data=v)


Initialize this object from a json configuration as fetched from openHAB.


Name Type Description Default
json_data dict

A dict converted from the JSON data returned by the openHAB server.

Source code in openhab/
def init_from_json(self, json_data: dict) -> None:
  """Initialize this object from a json configuration as fetched from openHAB.

    json_data (dict): A dict converted from the JSON data returned by the openHAB
  """ = json_data['name']
  if json_data['type'] == 'Group': = True
    if 'groupType' in json_data:
      self.type_ = json_data['groupType']

    if 'function' in json_data:
      self.function_name = json_data['function']['name']

      if 'params' in json_data['function']:
        self.function_params = json_data['function']['params']

    # init members
    for i in json_data['members']:
      self.members[i['name']] = self.openhab.json_to_item(i)

    self.type_ = json_data.get('type', None)

    if self.type_ is None:
      raise openhab.exceptions.InvalidReturnException('Item did not return a type attribute.')

    parts = self.type_.split(':')
    if len(parts) == 2:
      self.quantityType = parts[1]

  if 'editable' in json_data:
    self.editable = json_data['editable']
  if 'label' in json_data:
    self.label = json_data['label']
  if 'category' in json_data:
    self.category = json_data['category']
  if 'tags' in json_data:
    self.tags = json_data['tags']
  if 'groupNames' in json_data:
    self.groupNames = json_data['groupNames']

  self._raw_state = json_data['state']

  if self.is_undefined(self._raw_state):
    self._state = None
    self._state, self._unitOfMeasure = self._parse_rest(self._raw_state)


If the item state is None, use this method for checking if the remote value is NULL.

Source code in openhab/
def is_state_null(self) -> bool:
  """If the item state is None, use this method for checking if the remote value is NULL."""
  if self.state is None:
    # we need to query the current remote state as else this method will not work correctly if called after
    # either update_state method
    if self._raw_state is None:
      # This should never happen
      raise ValueError('Invalid internal (raw) state.')

    return self._raw_state == 'NULL'

  return False


If the item state is None, use this method for checking if the remote value is UNDEF.

Source code in openhab/
def is_state_undef(self) -> bool:
  """If the item state is None, use this method for checking if the remote value is UNDEF."""
  if self.state is None:
    # we need to query the current remote state as else this method will not work correctly if called after
    # either update_state method
    if self._raw_state is None:
      # This should never happen
      raise ValueError('Invalid internal (raw) state.')

    return self._raw_state == 'UNDEF'

  return False


Check if value is undefined.

Source code in openhab/
def is_undefined(self, value: str) -> bool:
  """Check if value is undefined."""
  for aStateType in self.state_types:
    if not aStateType.is_undefined(value):
      return False

  return True

persistence(service_id=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, page=0, page_length=0, boundary=False)

Method for fetching persistence data for a given item.


Name Type Description Default
service_id Optional[str]

ID of the persistence service. If not provided the default service will be used.

start_time Optional[datetime]

Start time of the data to return. Will default to 1 day before end_time.

end_time Optional[datetime]

End time of the data to return. Will default to current time.

page int

Page number of data to return. Defaults to 0 if not provided.

page_length int

The length of each page. Defaults to 0 which disabled paging.

boundary bool

Gets one value before and after the requested period.



Type Description
Iterator[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]

Iterator over dict values containing time and state value, e.g. {"time": 1695588900122, "state": "23" }

Source code in openhab/
def persistence(
  service_id: typing.Optional[str] = None,
  start_time: typing.Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
  end_time: typing.Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
  page: int = 0,
  page_length: int = 0,
  boundary: bool = False,
) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[str, int]]]:
  """Method for fetching persistence data for a given item.

    service_id: ID of the persistence service. If not provided the default service will be used.
    start_time: Start time of the data to return. Will default to 1 day before end_time.
    end_time: End time of the data to return. Will default to current time.
    page: Page number of data to return. Defaults to 0 if not provided.
    page_length: The length of each page. Defaults to 0 which disabled paging.
    boundary: Gets one value before and after the requested period.

    Iterator over dict values containing time and state value, e.g.
      {"time": 1695588900122,
       "state": "23"
  yield from self.openhab.get_item_persistence(,


Updates the state of an item.


Name Type Description Default
value object

The value to update the item with. The type of the value depends on the item type and is checked accordingly.

Source code in openhab/
def update(self, value: typing.Any) -> None:
  """Updates the state of an item.

    value (object): The value to update the item with. The type of the value depends
                    on the item type and is checked accordingly.

  v = self._rest_format(value)

  self._state = value



Update the state of the item to NULL.

Source code in openhab/
def update_state_null(self) -> None:
  """Update the state of the item to *NULL*."""


Update the state of the item to UNDEF.

Source code in openhab/
def update_state_undef(self) -> None:
  """Update the state of the item to *UNDEF*."""


Bases: Item

NumberItem item type.

Source code in openhab/
class NumberItem(Item):
  """NumberItem item type."""

  TYPENAME = 'Number'
  types = [openhab.command_types.DecimalType]
  state_types = types

  def _parse_rest(self, value: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Union[float, None], str]:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Parse a REST result into a native object.

      value (str): A string argument to be converted into a float object.

      float: The float object as converted from the string parameter.
      str: The unit Of Measure or empty string
    if value in ('UNDEF', 'NULL'):
      return None, ''
    # m = re.match(r'''^(-?[0-9.]+)''', value)
      m = re.match(r'(-?[0-9.]+(?:[eE]-?[0-9]+)?)\s?(.*)?$', value)

      if m:
        value =
        unit_of_measure =

        return float(value), unit_of_measure

      return float(value), ''

    except (ArithmeticError, ValueError) as exc:
      self.logger.error('Error in parsing new value "%s" for "%s" - "%s"', value,, exc)

    raise ValueError(f'{self.__class__}: unable to parse value "{value}"')

  def _rest_format(self, value: typing.Union[float, typing.Tuple[float, str], str]) -> typing.Union[str, bytes]:
    """Format a value before submitting to openHAB.

      value: Either a float, a tuple of (float, str), or string; in the first two cases we have to cast it to a string.

      str or bytes: A string or bytes as converted from the value parameter.
    if isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2:
      return super()._rest_format(f'{value[0]:G} {value[1]}')
    if not isinstance(value, str):
      return super()._rest_format(f'{value:G}')
    return super()._rest_format(value)


Bases: Item

PlayerItem item type.

Source code in openhab/
class PlayerItem(Item):
  """PlayerItem item type."""

  TYPENAME = 'Player'
  types = [openhab.command_types.PlayPauseType, openhab.command_types.NextPrevious, openhab.command_types.RewindFastforward]
  state_types = [openhab.command_types.PlayPauseType, openhab.command_types.RewindFastforward]

  def play(self) -> None:
    """Send the command PLAY."""

  def pause(self) -> None:
    """Send the command PAUSE."""

  def next(self) -> None:
    """Send the command NEXT."""

  def previous(self) -> None:
    """Send the command PREVIOUS."""

  def fastforward(self) -> None:
    """Send the command FASTFORWARD."""

  def rewind(self) -> None:
    """Send the command REWIND."""


Send the command FASTFORWARD.

Source code in openhab/
def fastforward(self) -> None:
  """Send the command FASTFORWARD."""


Send the command NEXT.

Source code in openhab/
def next(self) -> None:
  """Send the command NEXT."""


Send the command PAUSE.

Source code in openhab/
def pause(self) -> None:
  """Send the command PAUSE."""


Send the command PLAY.

Source code in openhab/
def play(self) -> None:
  """Send the command PLAY."""


Send the command PREVIOUS.

Source code in openhab/
def previous(self) -> None:
  """Send the command PREVIOUS."""


Send the command REWIND.

Source code in openhab/
def rewind(self) -> None:
  """Send the command REWIND."""


Bases: Item

RollershutterItem item type.

Source code in openhab/
class RollershutterItem(Item):
  """RollershutterItem item type."""

  TYPENAME = 'Rollershutter'
  types = [openhab.command_types.UpDownType, openhab.command_types.PercentType, openhab.command_types.StopMoveType]
  state_types = [openhab.command_types.PercentType]

  def _parse_rest(self, value: str) -> typing.Tuple[int, str]:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Parse a REST result into a native object.

      value (str): A string argument to be converted into a int object.

      int: The int object as converted from the string parameter.
      str: Possible UoM
    return int(float(value)), ''

  def _rest_format(self, value: typing.Union[str, int]) -> str:
    """Format a value before submitting to openHAB.

      value: Either a string or an integer; in the latter case we have to cast it to a string.

      str: The string as possibly converted from the parameter.
    if not isinstance(value, str):
      return str(value)

    return value

  def up(self) -> None:
    """Set the state of the dimmer to ON."""

  def down(self) -> None:
    """Set the state of the dimmer to OFF."""

  def stop(self) -> None:
    """Set the state of the dimmer to OFF."""


Set the state of the dimmer to OFF.

Source code in openhab/
def down(self) -> None:
  """Set the state of the dimmer to OFF."""


Set the state of the dimmer to OFF.

Source code in openhab/
def stop(self) -> None:
  """Set the state of the dimmer to OFF."""


Set the state of the dimmer to ON.

Source code in openhab/
def up(self) -> None:
  """Set the state of the dimmer to ON."""


Bases: Item

String item type.

Source code in openhab/
class StringItem(Item):
  """String item type."""

  TYPENAME = 'String'
  types = [openhab.command_types.StringType]
  state_types = types


Bases: Item

SwitchItem item type.

Source code in openhab/
class SwitchItem(Item):
  """SwitchItem item type."""

  TYPENAME = 'Switch'
  types = [openhab.command_types.OnOffType]
  state_types = types

  def on(self) -> None:
    """Set the state of the switch to ON."""

  def off(self) -> None:
    """Set the state of the switch to OFF."""

  def toggle(self) -> None:
    """Toggle the state of the switch to OFF to ON and vice versa."""
    if self.state == openhab.command_types.OnOffType.ON:
    elif self.state == openhab.command_types.OnOffType.OFF:


Set the state of the switch to OFF.

Source code in openhab/
def off(self) -> None:
  """Set the state of the switch to OFF."""


Set the state of the switch to ON.

Source code in openhab/
def on(self) -> None:
  """Set the state of the switch to ON."""


Toggle the state of the switch to OFF to ON and vice versa.

Source code in openhab/
def toggle(self) -> None:
  """Toggle the state of the switch to OFF to ON and vice versa."""
  if self.state == openhab.command_types.OnOffType.ON:
  elif self.state == openhab.command_types.OnOffType.OFF: